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Achorda develops software for secure document management portals that allow keyword searching of the contents as well as custom fields attached to each document. Documents can be arranged in folders and streamed to anyone who is given access to the folder. Often used for project documents, procedures or working group folders, our document management portals are great for sharing documents worldwide or for home working environments.
Organisations produce a lot of documents and we all have different ways of storing them.
This presents a few problems. How do you find a document that you are looking for. Is it stored in some place I don’t have access? If you find it, is it the latest version? Is it the best practice document that management want you to use? Did my peers find it useful?
There are lots of remote storage solutions for documents now and you can share access to folders through solutions like OneDrive. This is fine for small teams when you just want to search for documents in a shared folder structure.
But what if you need to search by other fields such as a title, project number, product name, ranking of the document or if your users are not all employees on a shared Office 365 license. What if you need to keep earlier versions and be able to view those too?
Achorda develop bespoke document management solutions that let you work the way you want to work. With full content searching, including compatible PDF documents, you can be sure your teams will find information quickly and accurately.
Accessible with a standard web browser, our document portals let you get the most out of your content and add whatever context you need through custom fields editable on a simple web form.
Why not get in touch to see how we can help you get the most out of your document management opportunity?